And there passed not five and fifty days, before two of his sons killed him, and they fled into the mountains of Ararath; and Sarchedonus his son reigned in his stead; who appointed over his father's accounts, and over all his affairs, Achiacharus my brother Anael's son.

And there passed not five and fifty days, before two of his sons killed him, and they fled into the mountains of Ararath; and Sarchedonus his son reigned in his stead; who appointed over his father's accounts, and over all his affairs, Achiacharus my brother Anael's son.

And before fifty-five days had passed, two of his sons killed him and they fled into the mountains of Ararath; and Sarchedonus his son reigned in his place; he appointed, over his father's accounts and over all his affairs, Achiacharus, my brother Anael's son.