Parallel Verses  But she replied upon me, It was given for a gift more than the wages. Howbeit I did not believe her, but bade her render it to the owners: and I was abashed at her. But she replied upon me, Where are thine alms and thy righteous deeds? behold, thou and all thy works are known.  But she replied upon me, It was given for a gift more than the wages. Howbeit I did not believe her, but bade her render it to the owners: and I was abashed at her. But she replied upon me, Where are thine alms and thy righteous deeds? behold, thou and all thy works are known.
 But she replied to me, "It was given as a gift, over and above my wages." However, I did not believe her, but directed her to return it to the owners, and I was ashamed at her. But she replied to me, "Where are your alms and your righteous deeds? See now, you and all your works are known."