And now I am the only son of my father, and I am afraid, lest if I go in unto her, I die, as the other before: for a wicked spirit loveth her, which hurteth no body, but those which come unto her; wherefore I also fear lest I die, and bring my father's and my mother's life because of me to the grave with sorrow: for they have no other son to bury them.

And now I am the only son of my father, and I am afraid, lest if I go in unto her, I die, as the other before: for a wicked spirit loveth her, which hurteth no body, but those which come unto her; wherefore I also fear lest I die, and bring my father's and my mother's life because of me to the grave with sorrow: for they have no other son to bury them.

And now, I am the only son of my father and I am afraid that if I go in to her, I may die, as the others before me, for a wicked spirit loves her, and he hurts no one except those who come to her. Therefore, I also fear that I may die, and bring my father's life and my mother's life because of me to the grave with sorrow; for they have no other son to bury them."